My official website is a dead zombie duck wandering the internet wasteland looking for brains and finding none, especially on facebook. This blog was started as a random drawing/story project about proto feminist yeh seemed like a good idea at the time. Now it is just a blog about my art in general with the occasional feminist zombie thrown in

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

how not to play a Kramer 450 g

I couldn't afford to buy a Travis Bean, or an Electrical Guitar Company guitar, but (at the time) I could afford to buy a Kramer 450g (after a year long search on Ebay). This video is how not to play said guitar....sorry to anyone who either has ears, or owns and plays guitar well, I just like dissonance!

Friday, 6 December 2013

a page from an old sketchbook

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

burn a thousand bridges
grind it down to dust
let the flowers bloom
grow out and over 
a garden city
a bloom as red as rust