My official website is a dead zombie duck wandering the internet wasteland looking for brains and finding none, especially on facebook. This blog was started as a random drawing/story project about proto feminist yeh seemed like a good idea at the time. Now it is just a blog about my art in general with the occasional feminist zombie thrown in

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

I'm planning on doing a drawing today, don't know exactly what it will be yet but think I will go with a music themed piece. ATP was pretty amazing and inspiring, really great to see some excellent live music.

Highlights for me would be seeing LOW for the first time, they were just incredible, delicate at times and then growing to all out fuzz distortion apocalyptic destruction. Lee Ranaldo and the Dust were also really great, I saw them awhile back at the Brudenell in Leeds they killed it there and really killed it at ATP too. They are crazy tight and the songs Lee is writing post sonic youth are really amazing and heart felt.

Chelsea Light Moving were great too, it is interesting to see what each member of sonic youth is doing now. While Lee Ranaldo has gone down almost a classic rock band sound with occasional noise freakout thrown in for good messure, Thurston has seemingly traveled back in time to no-wave New York and is creating songs made from scraping all the sonic memories caught in the walls of CBGB's. The results of both bands are, in my mind, amazing and soften the blow of never seeing sonic youth again. CLM makes me want to go out and buy a fuzz and octave distortion and bring the house down around me through sonic warfare. (Groovy and Linda being a definite inspiration there ''DON'T SHOOT!! WE ARE YOUR CHILDREN!! DON'T SHOOT!!'') The dust make me want to actually learn to play guitar...ha.

Anyway before this blog becomes some pretentious naval gazing music review blog (as if anyone reads it or gives a shit and as opposed to it being a pretentious naval gazing doodle blog no one actually looks at or reads) I'll just say that other band highlights were: PORN, mum, magik markers, the haxan cloak and seeing mr Har Mar superstar selling massages in the merch shop and people actually fucking buying them.

Anyway here are some older pictures I did a while back for an exhibition in Helmsley, I'm going to dust them off and take them to a Vintage  Pop Up shop in Birmingham and hopefully somebody will like them enough to buy them.

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